         Homeopathic Center of Escondido

Are you looking for a more natural, gentle and effective way to treat you and your family’s health issues? Are you struggling with recurring health conditions that you cannot find a satisfactory solution for? 

Homeopathy is a solution that you may have yet to discover but once you experience its healing powers you will be amazed.

Homeopathy offers individualized care. It is thorough, and effective.  It  harnesses and re-ignites your body’s own ability to heal itself.  Homeopathy treats:

  Hormonal imbalances throughout a woman’s life puberty to menopause
  Headaches including migraines
  Skin conditions such as eczema, hives, psoriasis, etc...
  Depression, fear and anxiety disorders including PTSD
  Chronic digestive and respiratory complaints such as acid reflux, 

       chronic  constipation, indigestion, colitis, asthma, recurring bronchitis


  Health and behavioral problems in children such as temper tantrums,

       ADHD, autism, post vaccination disorder, anger, rage, ADD, etc

  Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and all auto-immune syndromes/diseases
   Nervous system disorders and serious degenerative diseases
  Acute conditions of all kinds, from food poisoning  to ear infections,

       toothaches, muscles sprains, flu, burns, motion sickness, etc...

Homeopathy is holistic.

It heals at all levels: physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual.  It has the ability to re-establish order, balance and well-being in each individual. It is extremely transformative.  The most encouraging part of my practice is when I see how people’s lives improve exponentially after starting Homeopathic treatment. And the beauty of it is is that there is no need to take remedies on an ongoing basis once the desired results are reached.

Homeopathy  heals in a unique way.

One of the unique qualities of Homeopathy is that it looks at disease as energetic in nature that has created an imbalance in an individual and has manifested that imbalance in unique way to that individual.  A Homeopath will then look for and recommend a remedy, that best resonates with the state of imbalance or illness of that specific individual to re-establish health.

Homeopathy  aims at lasting deep healing without toxic drugs. 

A Homeopath seeks to heal at the deepest level possible to eradicate patterns of ill health that may have gone on for generations.  It’s action can be very profound, long lasting and life changing.

Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic remedies come from the animal, mineral and plant kingdoms, products of our natural world.  Dr. Hahnemann a German scholar and medical doctor in the 18th century discovered that these homeopathically processed substances are potent healers of illness.  These non toxic but potent substances are “energized” and bring about deep  and lasting healing by stimulating a vital reaction within the body’s immune or healing  system.

Homeopathy can heal  quickly in some cases and take more time in others. To provide relief from chronic or longstanding health issues is an individual process that takes time, for some a few months and for some longer. Either way initial improvements are usually noticed within days or weeks. Homeopathy aims to assist your body in the healing process.

Homeopathic health care appointments take more time because a Homeopath has to determine and evaluate how each  person experiences their own illness in their own way.  Your unique individuality and how you experience your imbalance is crucial to  a proper homeopathic consultation.  You will be asked about your sensitivity to your environment in relation to people, sounds, smells, food, weather, etc. A Homeopath will want to know what makes it worse, what makes it better and will ask you to describe your health challenge in as much detail as is possible.  The more detail that you can provide the better it is for  finding the remedy that is best suited to who you are as a person and to the imbalance you are experiencing. No symptom, experience or sensation is overlooked.  It is all important and crucial.  Homeopathy is “holistic”. It encompasses the “whole” person and all that that person is experiencing,  body , mind and spirit.

Homeopathy is utilized throughout the world and has helped millions of people.  In some parts of the world,  there are strictly Homeopathic hospitals and clinics whereas in other’s Homeopaths work side by side with traditional medical doctors. Homeopathy has been around for well over 200 years with a track record of safety and effective healing.

Please call 760-703-0393 or email me at to see if this approach is what you are looking for.


ACUTE CONDITIONS___________________________ 


Initial Consultation and up to 3 -  ten  minute phone call followups             


Starting at $75.00 /per person/per consultation

CHRONIC CONDITIONS_________________________


  1. -Initial Consultation ( 1.5 - 2 hours),

  1. -2  one hour follow-up appointments to take place within the first 5 months after the Initial Consultation .

  1. - brief  followup (5-10 minute phone call )within 2 weeks of taking the remedy

Children up to 12 years of age:             $ 400.00 



Adults and children over 12:                  $ 500.00


Follow-up consultation after first 3 : (1-2 hours)    $100.00 - $150.00

Talk Therapy:  (per hour)                                 $85.00  

  1. -Talk therapy is offered to give you an outlet while processing changes that can take place as a result of taking a remedy affecting not only the physical but also the mental and emotional plane.  It is often helpful to talk about your process and get support as you  go through these changes.

  1. -Special Offer$20 for 1/2 hour get acquainted consultation to meet with the Homeopath to see if Homeopathy is for you.  If you decide to commit to Homeopathy this amount will be applied to the cost of the  actual Consultation.

Homeopropylaxis:  To vaccinate or not to is an ever growing dilemma. Homeoprophylaxis is a way to educate the immune system and help build immunity against contagious diseases with the aid of homeopathic remedies.  Please call for more information or click on


"Homeopathy is wholly capable of satisfying the therapeutic demands of this age better than any other system or school of medicine."

--Dr. Charles Menninger M.D., Founder Menninger Clinic

The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician. Therefore the physician must start from nature, with an open mind.

-- Philipus Aureolus Paracelsus

Homeopathic remedies derived from the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms among others, processed in a very specific way unique to Homeopathy, stimulate the immune system to bring about resolution.  So it works with the body’s own natural healing ability without toxic or harmful side effects.  It is the most natural,  and deeply effective system I know.  


Homeopathy requires “Deep LIstening”

Deep listening is miraculous for  both listener and   speaker. When someone receives us with open hearted, non judging, intensely interested listening, our spirits expand. ~ Sue Patton Thoele



Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion.
                                                                                            -- Buddha


For an appointment  or more information call:

760 -703-0393

or email